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We use our hands every day, sweaty hands with moisture problems with everything that can make people with objects cards.

I read your posts, and I answer. Obviously hands cool when sweat, a function of sweat is to cool the body - is faster than the air temperature, why. I was suffering from the same thing he did, the palmoplantar hyperhidrosis is the name. Meaning hands and feet are sweating all the time. Just a few years Electro Antiperspirant I found on the internet and we decided to take a last resort to treat. The only regret is that my doctor has not previously offered in China me this miracle !!! I do not know how this solution is little known among physicians is ... I'm dry and happy, because I can only recommend !!

Results vary between individuals and often there is a rebound effect elsewhere. Many ETS procedures have been done in a hurry now without examining thoroughly and completely without secondary hyperhidrosis. As with any condition, palmar hyperhidrosis should be treated individually and results may vary similarly significantly between different people. Ablation of somewhere between T2 times as low as T6 - T9 can be considered depending on the areas of the upper extremities affected when not only the palms. individual anatomical variations may be a slight difference in the level of innervation in the region, so there is no one size fits all approach. "

Do not let sweaty palms rain on your parade! Although sweating is healthy and normal, some people sweat excessively and far beyond what is necessary to cool the body. Sudar so that normal activities are disrupted. This condition is known as hyperhidrosis. Palmar hyperhidrosis, in particular, is excessive sweating of the hands. The episodes can occur a week, for no apparent reason, at least once. If you think you may have palmar hyperhidrosis, the first step is to talk to your doctor.

The doctor said that if you have wet hands and feet is the solution to iced tea. It may seem silly, and that's what I thought, but my grandmother said the doctor says it works, has put its financial statements on the line. The step is a little iced tea in a bucket or do something to soak hands and / or feet and keep them for a few hours in there and do it for two weeks and see the results begin.